I’m Brad Harris, the backyard pitmaster and recipe creator behind Don’t Sweat The Recipe.
Thanks for your interest! Born in California and raised there as well as in central Florida, my wife and I reside in central Alabama with a child away at college and a pomeranian who refuses to be normal.
I never thought about cooking until meeting my wonderful wife, whose creativity and artistry in the kitchen encouraged me to explore my own interests of the same.
Once the bug bit, I became fascinated with what made good barbecue so good. Years later, I am still learning and will continue to do so.
I also have a fondness for making food as sinful as I can. Butter, bacon, heavy cream, they’re all friends of mine.

Food Is Better Shared With Others

I enjoy grilling and smoking all year long. The winters are relatively mild here, and while the heat and the humidity of an August in Alabama might scare some, this won’t keep me from doing some outside cooking.
Nothing beats seeing the smiles of friends and family as they delve into a perfectly cooked 2″ medium rare steak or take a bite of a wonderfully smoked, tender baby back rib. I love it!
And while it may be convenient to run up to the local BBQ joint for a pound of pulled pork, I will always opt to throw on a couple of butts and smoke it myself. It’s better, cheaper, and more satisfying every single time.
As a college football fan, this has also led me to make crazy delicious finger foods and appetizers that lend themselves well to any social gathering, especially game day.
In the end, food is entertainment, and this is something that I very much enjoy.